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Don’t live a life you didn’t choose for yourself

You can design your life rather than letting it run on by default.  In this post I’m going to show you 5 simple steps that you can use to actively design your life. If you don’t design your life you will get to your deathbed feeling that you could have done, been and had so much more.  Taking control of your life means that you will create a unique, interesting and satisfying life according to your own standards.  Others will be on awe of your level of control and satisfaction and you will be a fantastic role model for your family, your friends and your colleagues. The way you do this is to set aside a few minutes a day to be alone with your thoughts and to actively design, in writing, your ideal life. If you read the biographies of great men and women it is clear that they had a clear vision of what they wanted.  They may not have written it down, although many have done, but they designed the specifics of their lives and did not allow themselves to get caught up with the day to day t...
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5 Reasons For Setting Goals - Do it now!

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I can help you...

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Watch a movie, change your life: Can films make a difference?

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Buyers' Remorse

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Knock Knock

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