I've had a revelation. It's taken me a while to get here but I've just realised something that I should have realised a long time ago.
This blog is almost a complete waste of time.
Because it's called "Self Help That Works" and if you have landed here THAT'S what you want. It's that simple.
But what have I been serving up? Not that. It's been close at times but it's not been that.
From now on that's what I'm going to give. I can't promise to give it very often but I can promise to give it.
I have some answers. I have answers because I've found ways to succeed during the last...almost 40 years...I'm not going to boast...that comes later :)
So...come back now and then and see how I'm doing.
This blog is almost a complete waste of time.
Because it's called "Self Help That Works" and if you have landed here THAT'S what you want. It's that simple.
But what have I been serving up? Not that. It's been close at times but it's not been that.
From now on that's what I'm going to give. I can't promise to give it very often but I can promise to give it.
I have some answers. I have answers because I've found ways to succeed during the last...almost 40 years...I'm not going to boast...that comes later :)
So...come back now and then and see how I'm doing.
Seriously, it's a powerful word. If only because it's a little silly. Makes it easier.
Keep it up, it's going to be great. I believe!